It’s Monday morning and week 3 for Richer Solutions. It’s been a great start to life working for myself and this week promises to be another really busy one.

During my career, I have worked for a number of different organisations – all with differing policies on music at work. I have always preferred to work with music although it’s not always easy having to put up with other people’s choices!

My love of music uplifts my mood, relaxes me and seems to improve my typing and productivity. Turns out, I am in good company – this Harvard article writes ‘music helps organize the firing of nerve cells in the right half of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher functions.

So it’s science official that listening to music is good for us – we just need a decent playlist. Spotify is a great tool for this. A selection of chill seems perfect for this lockdown November Monday – transporting me to sunnier climes and times, like the festival pictured above – dabbling in a DJ set with friends. Good times then, and will come again. You can listen too:

Richer Solutions ideal is about making your business life easier. I think there is nothing better than music helping create the right atmosphere for your business. Enjoy.